If you used a coupon code that allowed you to select a gift with an OCEANSAPART order, we will charge you 0 EUR for the gift at the time of purchase, however, the gift is subject to the minimum purchase value of the coupon code.
For example, if the Free Gift coupon conditions are: you must spend 59 EUR to receive a Free Gift. If you return paid items from your order, reducing your minimum order value to less than 59 EUR, then you are not longer eligible for the Free Gift and must return it along with the other items you wish to return. You may keep the gift if the minimum purchase value is still met after the refund. When this is not the case, please return the Free Gift(s).
If you are unsure whether you need to return a gift or not, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Service team.
Additionally, for free gift items we can only offer a size exchange.
Please note: you are responsible for the safe packaging and shipping of your return. We recommend that you send your package via our easy returns portal. We also advise you to keep proof of your shipment. This will give us an insight into the status of your shipment in case of any complications. If you choose "self shipping" please send a register parcel and keep the tracking number