Returns should be made within 14 days of receiving your order. The average processing time of a return is 7 - 10 working days after its arrival at our warehouse.
You can easily return your products via our Returns Portal. Below, you can find a step-by-step guide:
1. Visit our Returns Portal.
2. Enter your order number: you can find it in your order confirmation email or if you log in to OCEANSAPART in your My Account section under "My Orders".
3. Enter the return reason for each item and choose a refund option*.
*If you are requesting a refund for an order containing free gifts: make sure that the minimum order value of the free gift code will still be met after the refund. If it is no longer met, please also return the Free Gift(s) in order to receive a refund. For these items, you can select the return reason "Free Gift".
We regret to inform you that we do not offer direct exchanges, but if you would like to exchange an item, please send a return for a refund and place a new order for your preferred item or size. Kindly note that shipping costs for the new order are not covered.
4. Then select the collection point or parcel locker on the map where you wish to drop off your return parcel.
5. Next, make the payment for the return documents and download (1) return label and (2) return slip.
6. Regardless of whether you chose a mobile or printable label, please remember to print and insert the return slip into the parcel. You can find your return slip under the button “Download documents”.
7. If you chose a printable label, print it and stick it on top of the parcel.
If you chose a QR mobile label, scan it at the drop-off point to receive a printed label and stick it on top of the parcel.
8. Hand your parcel in at the drop-off point. Once you've returned the parcel, please keep the return receipt until we have processed your return.
When selecting the drop-off location for your return, choose "DHL Service Point". You can then go to any Swiss Post location to drop off the parcel.
For all returns from Switzerland and the UK:
Please write the words 'Rückware / Return' on your return package and make sure that the original invoice is attached to the outside. If it is not, then please write the Order number on the package too. By doing so, you will avoid having to pay customs duties for your return
Please note: you are responsible for the safe packaging and shipping of your return. We recommend that you send your package via our easy returns portal. We also advise you to keep proof of your shipment. This will give us an insight into the status of your shipment in case of any complications. If you choose "self shipping" please send a register parcel and keep the tracking number.